Special Services & Events at Bolton Priory

In addition to our regular services listed on the homepage, from time to time we have special seasonal services,
and also host concerts and lectures at the Priory.

Do come and join us for any of the upcoming events highlighted below.

Upcoming Special Events & Seasonal Services

(Scroll down to next section for booking information)

7.30pm Friday 26 July 2024. .........

Lady Clare's Consort - Musicke Divine

Bolton Priory (see below to book tickets)

7.30pm Friday 16 Aug 2024 ..........

Last Night of the Proms

The Hall, Bolton Abbey (see below for more information)
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7.30pm Friday 26 July
Lady Clare's Consort
Musicke Divine
Tickets (online or on the door)
£10/ £8 if under 18

Example image

Friday 16 August 2024
Last Night at The Proms
at Bolton Abbey
Tickets £50/ VIP Tickets £250